API Docs for: 3.8.0

File: node/js/node-deprecated.js

 * @module node
 * @submodule node-deprecated
 * @deprecated

var Y_Node = Y.Node;

 * Flat data store for off-DOM usage
 * @config data
 * @type any
 * @deprecated Use getData/setData
 * @for Node
Y_Node.ATTRS.data = {
    getter: function() {
        return this._dataVal;
    setter: function(val) {
        this._dataVal = val;
        return val;
    value: null

 * Returns a single Node instance bound to the node or the
 * first element matching the given selector.
 * @method get
 * @for YUI
 * @deprecated Use Y.one
 * @static
 * @param {String | HTMLElement} node a node or Selector
 * @param {Node | HTMLElement} doc an optional document to scan. Defaults to Y.config.doc.

 * Returns a single Node instance bound to the node or the
 * first element matching the given selector.
 * @method get
 * @for Node
 * @deprecated Use Y.one
 * @static
 * @param {String | HTMLElement} node a node or Selector
 * @param {Node | HTMLElement} doc an optional document to scan. Defaults to Y.config.doc.
Y.get = Y_Node.get = function() {
    Y.log('Y.get is deprecated, use Y.one', 'warn', 'deprecated');
    return Y_Node.one.apply(Y_Node, arguments);

Y.mix(Y_Node.prototype, {
     * Retrieves a Node instance of nodes based on the given CSS selector.
     * @method query
     * @deprecated Use one()
     * @param {string} selector The CSS selector to test against.
     * @return {Node} A Node instance for the matching HTMLElement.
    query: function(selector) {
        Y.log('query() is deprecated, use one()', 'warn', 'deprecated');
        return this.one(selector);

     * Retrieves a nodeList based on the given CSS selector.
     * @method queryAll
     * @deprecated Use all()
     * @param {string} selector The CSS selector to test against.
     * @return {NodeList} A NodeList instance for the matching HTMLCollection/Array.
    queryAll: function(selector) {
        Y.log('queryAll() is deprecated, use all()', 'warn', 'deprecated');
        return this.all(selector);

     * Applies the given function to each Node in the NodeList.
     * @method each
     * @deprecated Use NodeList
     * @param {Function} fn The function to apply
     * @param {Object} context optional An optional context to apply the function with
     * Default context is the NodeList instance
     * @chainable
    each: function(fn, context) {
        context = context || this;
        Y.log('each is deprecated on Node', 'warn', 'deprecated');
        return fn.call(context, this);

     * Retrieves the Node instance at the given index.
     * @method item
     * @deprecated Use NodeList
     * @param {Number} index The index of the target Node.
     * @return {Node} The Node instance at the given index.
    item: function(index) {
        Y.log('item is deprecated on Node', 'warn', 'deprecated');
        return this;

     * Returns the current number of items in the Node.
     * @method size
     * @deprecated Use NodeList
     * @return {Int} The number of items in the Node.
    size: function() {
        Y.log('size is deprecated on Node', 'warn', 'deprecated');
        return this._node ? 1 : 0;
