API Docs for: 3.8.0

File: datatable-deprecated/js/datatable-scroll.js

// API Doc comments disabled to avoid deprecated class leakage into
// non-deprecated class API docs.  See the 3.4.1 datatable API doc files in the
// download at http://yui.zenfs.com/releases/yui3/yui_3.4.1.zip for reference.
Extends DataTable base to enable x,y, and xy scrolling.

DEPRECATED. As of YUI 3.5.0, DataTable has been rebuilt.  This module
is designed to work with `datatable-base-deprecated` (effectively the 3.4.1
version of DataTable) and will be removed from the library in a future version.

See http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/migration.html for help upgrading to the
latest version.

For complete API docs for the classes in this and other deprecated
DataTable-related modules, refer to the static API doc files in the 3.4.1
download at http://yui.zenfs.com/releases/yui3/yui_3.4.1.zip

@module datatable-deprecated
@submodule datatable-scroll-deprecated

var YNode = Y.Node,
    YLang = Y.Lang,
    YUA = Y.UA,
    YgetClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
    DATATABLE = "datatable",
    CLASS_HEADER = YgetClassName(DATATABLE, "hd"),
    CLASS_BODY = YgetClassName(DATATABLE, "bd"),
    CLASS_DATA = YgetClassName(DATATABLE, "data"),
    CLASS_LINER = YgetClassName(DATATABLE, "liner"),
    CLASS_SCROLLABLE = YgetClassName(DATATABLE, "scrollable"),
    CONTAINER_HEADER = '<div class="'+CLASS_HEADER+'"></div>',
    CONTAINER_BODY = '<div class="'+CLASS_BODY+'"></div>',
    TEMPLATE_TABLE = '<table></table>',
    scrollbarWidth = Y.cached(function () {
        var testNode = Y.one('body').appendChild('<div style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;overflow:scroll;width:20px;"><p style="height:1px"/></div>'),
            width = testNode.get('offsetWidth') - testNode.get('clientWidth');


        return width;
 * Adds scrolling to DataTable.
 * @class DataTableScroll
 * @extends Plugin.Base
function DataTableScroll() {
    DataTableScroll.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

Y.mix(DataTableScroll, {
    NS: "scroll",

    NAME: "dataTableScroll",

    ATTRS: {
        *  The width for the table. Set to a string (ex: "200px", "20em") if you want the table to scroll in the x direction.
        * @attribute width
        * @public
        * @type string
        width: {
            value: undefined,
            writeOnce: "initOnly"
        *  The height for the table. Set to a string (ex: "200px", "20em") if you want the table to scroll in the y-direction.
        * @attribute height
        * @public
        * @type string
        height: {
            value: undefined,
            writeOnce: "initOnly"
        *  The scrolling direction for the table.
        * @attribute scroll
        * @private
        * @type string
        _scroll: {
            //value: 'y',
            valueFn: function() {
                var w = this.get('width'),
                h = this.get('height');
                if (w && h) {
                    return 'xy';
                else if (w) {
                    return 'x';
                else if (h) {
                    return 'y';
                else {
                    return null;
        *  The hexadecimal colour value to set on the top-right of the table if a scrollbar exists. 
        * @attribute COLOR_COLUMNFILLER
        * @public
        * @type string
            value: '#f2f2f2',
            validator: YLang.isString,
            setter: function(param) {
                if (this._headerContainerNode) {
                    this._headerContainerNode.setStyle('backgroundColor', param);

Y.extend(DataTableScroll, Y.Plugin.Base, {
    *  The table node created in datatable-base
    * @property _parentTableNode
    * @private
    * @type {Node}
    _parentTableNode: null,
    *  The THEAD node which resides within the table node created in datatable-base
    * @property _parentTheadNode
    * @private
    * @type {Node}
    _parentTheadNode: null,
    *  The TBODY node which resides within the table node created in datatable-base
    * @property _parentTbodyNode
    * @private
    * @type {Node}
    _parentTbodyNode: null,
    *  The TBODY Message node which resides within the table node created in datatable-base
    * @property _parentMsgNode
    * @private
    * @type {Node}
    _parentMsgNode: null,
    *  The contentBox specified for the datatable in datatable-base
    * @property _parentContainer
    * @private
    * @type {Node}
    _parentContainer: null,
    *  The DIV node that contains all the scrollable elements (a table with a tbody on it)
    * @property _bodyContainerNode
    * @private
    * @type {Node}
    _bodyContainerNode: null,
    *  The DIV node that contains a table with a THEAD in it (which syncs its horizontal scroll with the _bodyContainerNode above)
    * @property _headerContainerNode
    * @private
    * @type {Node}
    _headerContainerNode: null,
    //  Methods

    initializer: function(config) {
        var dt = this.get("host");
        this._parentContainer = dt.get('contentBox');
    // Set up Table Nodes
    *  Set up methods to fire after host methods execute
    * @method _setUpNodes
    * @private
    _setUpNodes: function() {
        this.afterHostMethod("_addTableNode", this._setUpParentTableNode);
        this.afterHostMethod("_addTheadNode", this._setUpParentTheadNode); 
        this.afterHostMethod("_addTbodyNode", this._setUpParentTbodyNode);
        this.afterHostMethod("_addMessageNode", this._setUpParentMessageNode);
        //this.beforeHostMethod('renderUI', this._removeCaptionNode);
        this.afterHostMethod("renderUI", this.renderUI);
        this.afterHostMethod("bindUI", this.bindUI);
        this.afterHostMethod("syncUI", this.syncUI);
        if (this.get('_scroll') !== 'x') {
            this.afterHostMethod('_attachTheadThNode', this._attachTheadThNode);
            this.afterHostMethod('_attachTbodyTdNode', this._attachTbodyTdNode);
    *  Stores the main &lt;table&gt; node provided by the host as a private property
    * @method _setUpParentTableNode
    * @private
    _setUpParentTableNode: function() {
        this._parentTableNode = this.get('host')._tableNode;
    *  Stores the main &lt;thead&gt; node provided by the host as a private property
    * @method _setUpParentTheadNode
    * @private
    _setUpParentTheadNode: function() {
        this._parentTheadNode = this.get('host')._theadNode;
    *  Stores the main &lt;tbody&gt; node provided by the host as a private property
    * @method _setUpParentTbodyNode
    * @private
    _setUpParentTbodyNode: function() {
        this._parentTbodyNode = this.get('host')._tbodyNode;
    *  Stores the main &lt;tbody&gt; message node provided by the host as a private property
    * @method _setUpParentMessageNode
    * @private
    _setUpParentMessageNode: function() {
        this._parentMsgNode = this.get('host')._msgNode;
    // Renderer
    *  Primary rendering method that takes the datatable rendered in
    * the host, and splits it up into two separate &lt;divs&gt; each containing two 
    * separate tables (one containing the head and one containing the body). 
    * This method fires after renderUI is called on datatable-base.
    * @method renderUI
    renderUI: function() {
    Binds event subscriptions to keep the state and UI in sync

    @method bindUI
    bindUI: function () {
        // FIXME: I don't know why the string bind, but I don't want to break
        // stuff until I have time to rebuild it properly
        this._bodyContainerNode.on('scroll', Y.bind("_onScroll", this));

        this.afterHostEvent("recordsetChange", this.syncUI);
        this.afterHostEvent("recordset:recordsChange", this.syncUI);

    *  Post rendering method that is responsible for creating a column
    * filler, and performing width and scroll synchronization between the &lt;th&gt; 
    * elements and the &lt;td&gt; elements.
    * This method fires after syncUI is called on datatable-base
    * @method syncUI
    * @public
    syncUI: function() {
    *  Remove the caption created in base. Scrolling datatables dont support captions.
    * @method _removeCaptionNode
    * @private
    _removeCaptionNode: function() {
        //Y.DataTable.Base.prototype.createCaption = function(v) {/*do nothing*/};
        //Y.DataTable.Base.prototype._uiSetCaption = function(v) {/*do nothing*/};

    *  Adjusts the width of the TH and the TDs to make sure that the two are in sync
    * Implementation Details: 
    *   Compares the width of the TH liner div to the the width of the TD node.
    *   The TD liner width is not actually used because the TD often stretches
    *   past the liner if the parent DIV is very large. Measuring the TD width
    *   is more accurate.
    *   Instead of measuring via .get('width'), 'clientWidth' is used, as it
    *   returns a number, whereas 'width' returns a string, In IE6,
    *   'clientWidth' is not supported, so 'offsetWidth' is used. 'offsetWidth'
    *   is not as accurate on Chrome,FF as 'clientWidth' - thus the need for
    *   the fork.
    * @method _syncWidths
    * @private
    _syncWidths: function() {
        var headerTable = this._parentContainer.one('.' + CLASS_HEADER),
            bodyTable   = this._parentContainer.one('.' + CLASS_BODY),
            // nodelist of all the THs
            headers     = headerTable.all('thead .' + CLASS_LINER),
            // nodelist of the TDs in the first row
            firstRow    = bodyTable.one('.' + CLASS_DATA + ' tr'),
            cells       = firstRow && firstRow.all('.' + CLASS_LINER),
            // FIXME: Code smell
            widthProperty = (YUA.ie) ? 'offsetWidth' : 'clientWidth';

            //stylesheet = new YStyleSheet('columnsSheet'),
        // If there are data rows, iterate each header and the cells of the
        // first row comparing cell widths.  Assign the larger width to the
        // narrower node (header or cell).
        if (cells && cells.size()) {
            headers.each(function (header, i) {
                var cell        = cells.item(i),
                    headerWidth = header.get(widthProperty),
                    cellWidth   = cell.get(widthProperty),
                    width       = Math.max(headerWidth, cellWidth);

                width -= (parseInt(header.getComputedStyle('paddingLeft'),10)|0) +
                header.setStyle('width', width + 'px');
                cell.setStyle('width', width + 'px');
            // If browser is not IE - get the clientWidth of the Liner
            // div and the TD.
            // Note:  We are not getting the width of the TDLiner, we
            // are getting the width of the actual cell.  Why? Because
            // when the table is set to auto width, the cell will grow
            // to try to fit the table in its container.  The liner
            // could potentially be much smaller than the cell width.
            // TODO: Explore if there is a better way using only LINERS
            // widths - I don't think this should be a problem, given
            // that the liner is a div, a block element and will
            // expand to width.
            if (!ie) {
                // TODO: this should actually be done with
                // getComputedStyle('width') but this messes up
                // columns. Explore this option.
                thWidth = thLiner.get('clientWidth');
                tdWidth = td.item(i).get('clientWidth');
            } else {
                // IE wasn't recognizing clientWidths, so we are using
                // offsetWidths.
                // TODO: should use getComputedStyle('width') because
                // offsetWidth will screw up when padding is changed.
                // TODO: for some reason, using
                // tdLiner.get('clientWidth') doesn't work - why not?
                thWidth = thLiner.get('offsetWidth');
                tdWidth = td.item(i).get('offsetWidth');
                //thWidth = parseFloat(thLiner.getComputedStyle('width').split('px')[0]);
                //tdWidth = parseFloat(td.item(i).getComputedStyle('width').split('px')[0]);
            // expand the TH or the TD to match the wider
            if (thWidth > tdWidth) {
                tdLiner.setStyle('width', (thWidth - 20 + 'px'));
                //thLiner.setStyle('width', (tdWidth - 20 + 'px'));
                //stylesheet.set(className,{'width': (thWidth - 20 + 'px')});
            } else if (tdWidth > thWidth) {
                // if you don't set an explicit width here, when the width
                // is set in line 368, it will auto-shrink the widths of
                // the other cells (because they dont have an explicit
                // width)
                thLiner.setStyle('width', (tdWidth - 20 + 'px'));
                tdLiner.setStyle('width', (tdWidth - 20 + 'px'));
                //stylesheet.set(className,{'width': (tdWidth - 20 + 'px')});


    *  Adds the approriate width to the liner divs of the TH nodes before they are appended to DOM
    * @method _attachTheadThNode
    * @private
    _attachTheadThNode: function(o) {
        var width = o.column.get('width');
        if (width) {
            o.th.one('.' + CLASS_LINER)
                    width: width,
    *  Adds the appropriate width to the liner divs of the TD nodes before they are appended to DOM
    * @method _attachTbodyTdNode
    * @private
    _attachTbodyTdNode: function(o) {
        var width = o.column.get('width');
        if (width) {
            o.td.one('.' + CLASS_LINER)
                    width: width,
                    overflow: 'hidden'
    *  Creates the body DIV that contains all the data. 
    * @method _createBodyContainer
    * @private
    _createBodyContainer: function() {
        var bd = YNode.create(CONTAINER_BODY);
        this._bodyContainerNode = bd;       
    *  Creates the DIV that contains a &lt;table&gt; with all the headers. 
    * @method _createHeaderContainer
    * @private
    _createHeaderContainer: function() {
        var hd = YNode.create(CONTAINER_HEADER),
            tbl = YNode.create(TEMPLATE_TABLE);
        this._headerContainerNode = hd;
    *  Creates styles for the TBODY based on what type of table it is.
    * @method _setStylesForTbody
    * @private
    _setStylesForTbody: function() {
        var dir = this.get('_scroll'),
            w = this.get('width') || "",
            h = this.get('height') || "",
            el = this._bodyContainerNode,
            styles = {width:"", height:h};
        if (dir === 'x') {
            //X-Scrolling tables should not have a Y-Scrollbar so overflow-y is hidden. THe width on x-scrolling tables must be set by user.
            styles.overflowY = 'hidden';
            styles.width = w;
        } else if (dir === 'y') {
            //Y-Scrolling tables should not have a X-Scrollbar so overflow-x is hidden. The width isn't neccessary because it can be auto.
            styles.overflowX = 'hidden';
        } else if (dir === 'xy') {
            styles.width = w;
        } else {
            //scrolling is set to 'null' - ie: width and height are not set. Don't have any type of scrolling.
            styles.overflowX = 'hidden';
            styles.overflowY = 'hidden';
            styles.width = w;
        return el;
    *  Creates styles for the THEAD based on what type of datatable it is.
    * @method _setStylesForThead
    * @private
    _setStylesForThead: function() {
        var w = this.get('width') || "",
            el = this._headerContainerNode;
        //if (dir !== 'y') {
        el.setStyles({'width': w, 'overflow': 'hidden'});
        // }
    *  Sets an auto width on the content box if it doesn't exist or if its a y-datatable.
    * @method _setContentBoxDimensions
    * @private
    _setContentBoxDimensions: function() {
        if (this.get('_scroll') === 'y' || (!this.get('width'))) {
            this._parentContainer.setStyle('width', 'auto');
    // Scroll Syncing
    *  Ensures that scrolling is synced across the two tables
    * @method _onScroll
    * @private
    _onScroll: function() {
        this._headerContainerNode.set('scrollLeft', this._bodyContainerNode.get('scrollLeft'));
     *  Syncs padding around scrollable tables, including Column header right-padding
     * and container width and height.
     * @method _syncScroll
     * @private 
    _syncScroll : function() {
        if (YUA.opera) {
            // Bug 1925874
            this._headerContainerNode.set('scrollLeft', this._bodyContainerNode.get('scrollLeft'));
            if(!this.get("width")) {
                // Bug 1926125
                document.body.style += '';
    *  Snaps container width for y-scrolling tables.
    * @method _syncScrollY
    * @private
    _syncScrollY : function() {
        var tBody = this._parentTbodyNode,
            tBodyContainer = this._bodyContainerNode,
            // X-scrolling not enabled
            if(!this.get("width")) {
                // Snap outer container width to content
                w = (tBodyContainer.get('scrollHeight') > tBodyContainer.get('clientHeight')) ?
                // but account for y-scrollbar since it is visible
                    (tBody.get('parentNode').get('clientWidth') + scrollbarWidth()) + "px" :
                    // no y-scrollbar, just borders
                    (tBody.get('parentNode').get('clientWidth') + 2) + "px";
                this._parentContainer.setStyle('width', w);
     *  Snaps container height for x-scrolling tables in IE. Syncs message TBODY width. 
     * Taken from YUI2 ScrollingDataTable.js
     * @method _syncScrollX
     * @private
    _syncScrollX: function() {
        var tBody = this._parentTbodyNode,
            tBodyContainer = this._bodyContainerNode,

        if (!this.get('height') && (YUA.ie)) {
            w = (tBodyContainer.get('scrollWidth') > tBodyContainer.get('offsetWidth')) ?
                (tBody.get('parentNode').get('offsetHeight') + scrollbarWidth()) + "px" : 
                tBody.get('parentNode').get('offsetHeight') + "px";
            tBodyContainer.setStyle('height', w);
        if (tBody.get('rows').size()) {
            this._parentMsgNode.get('parentNode').setStyle('width', "");
        } else {
            this._parentMsgNode.get('parentNode').setStyle('width', this._parentTheadNode.get('parentNode').get('offsetWidth')+'px');
     *  Adds/removes Column header overhang as necesary.
     * Taken from YUI2 ScrollingDataTable.js
     * @method _syncScrollOverhang
     * @private
    _syncScrollOverhang: function() {
        var tBodyContainer = this._bodyContainerNode,
            padding = 1;
        //when its both x and y scrolling
        if ((tBodyContainer.get('scrollHeight') > tBodyContainer.get('clientHeight')) || (tBodyContainer.get('scrollWidth') > tBodyContainer.get('clientWidth'))) {
            padding = 18;
        // After the widths have synced, there is a wrapping issue in the
        // headerContainer in IE6. The header does not span the full length of
        // the table (does not cover all of the y-scrollbar). By adding this
        // line in when there is a y-scroll, the header will span correctly.
        // TODO: this should not really occur on this.get('_scroll') === y - it
        // should occur when scrollHeight > clientHeight, but clientHeight is
        // not getting recognized in IE6?
        if (YUA.ie !== 0 && this.get('_scroll') === 'y' && this._bodyContainerNode.get('scrollHeight') > this._bodyContainerNode.get('offsetHeight'))
            this._headerContainerNode.setStyle('width', this._parentContainer.get('width'));
     *  Sets Column header overhang to given width.
     * Taken from YUI2 ScrollingDataTable.js with minor modifications
     * @method _setOverhangValue
     * @param nBorderWidth {Number} Value of new border for overhang. 
     * @private
    _setOverhangValue: function(borderWidth) {
        var host = this.get('host'),
            cols = host.get('columnset').get('definitions'),
            //lastHeaders = cols[cols.length-1] || [],
            len = cols.length,
            value = borderWidth + "px solid " + this.get("COLOR_COLUMNFILLER"),
            children = YNode.all('#'+this._parentContainer.get('id')+ ' .' + CLASS_HEADER + ' table thead th');

        children.item(len-1).setStyle('borderRight', value);

Y.namespace("Plugin").DataTableScroll = DataTableScroll;